iGaming: Online blackjack, How to play and win

 iGaming: Online blackjack, how to play and win

Many players wonder if it is possible to win money by playing online blackjack; the important thing to know is that this game is based on mathematical probability. That means players can win, but they have to play the game properly and learn the blackjack basic strategy single deck to get started.

If you play blackjack without a basic strategy, you will be playing through guessing and based just on luck, and that is exactly what the casino wants you to do, for you will be losing your money, making them win. If you don't want to throw away your money, you better follow the blackjack guide to improve your gaming. To win money you need to know what you are doing, you need to know how to play properly, and to achieve that, you need to apply a strategy and practice a lot.

Learning a basic strategy is not that hard, but even if you have trouble remembering the rules, there are online blackjack cheat sheets that can help you through your game. 

The great part is that, because you are playing online, you don't even have to remember the strategy by heart, you can simply look at the cheat sheet while you are playing. This sheet will tell you, while you are playing blackjack when to hit, stand, split, and when to double down.

How many decks are being used?

The best thing you can do is to pick games that use as few card decks as possible. The fewer the decks, the better your odds. For example, a single deck game where the dealer must stand on all 17s is a game where the casino edge works in favor of the player. 

Therefore, a single deck blackjack chart is your best choice. 

Unfortunately, it is very rare to find this kind of game on online casinos. The problem is, casinos know that single deck blackjack is beatable, therefore they constantly change the rules with unfavorable ones, to keep the players from winning. Finding a one deck blackjack table with decent rules is almost impossible. And if it offers payouts of 6 to 5, you better not bother. 

You should avoid these tables because they increase the casino advantage by 1.40%, making it impossible to beat them. As you can see, it is not that simple to find a table to play perfect blackjack, with only one deck, with rules in your favor.

Therefore, you should know the table rules very well, and never pick a blackjack game at random. You must know to perfection the variant of the game you are playing, as there are many different variants of online blackjack. 

A decent table will offer payouts of 3 to 2, and you have at least three rounds before they reshuffle the cards.

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Single deck blackjack online

You can search for the blackjack basic strategy chart on the internet, you can even download it. If you want to improve your game, you need to learn at least the basic strategy, that way you will be able to make money. In order to follow the strategy, you can use the blackjack hit stand chart (you should memorize it) to know when to hit or stand, when to double down, split pairs and when to surrender.

The basic strategy charts are different for each kind of blackjack game, depending on the number of decks being used, and on the game rules.

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Blackjack Odds chart

iGaming: Online blackjack, how to play and win

The odds are the percentage that represents your chances of winning or losing a hand. They can also represent the casino´s profit margins or their house edge.

There are charts and tables of the most common probability odds for playing blackjack according to different situations and scenarios along with the game. You can find these charts on the internet as well.

The dealer´s edge is the most important odds percentage. We are talking about the long term advantage they have, which is what eventually makes you lose your money.

Blackjack has some of the lowest odds compared to all other casino games, their edge ranges from 1% to 15% depending on the variation of blackjack you are playing.

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